Members of the Committee bring their vast knowledge of the United Nations systems, actions at the grassroots level, experiences of the most marginalized communities, in their work in subcommittees. Today, four subcommittees are active:


The purpose of the Grassroots Task Force is to bring the voices of those at the grassroots around the world into UN deliberations on matters important to social development. The Task Force conducts surveys to gather data from projects and programs in local communities and rural areas in diverse countries. Usually, the surveys focus on themes set for the sessions of the UN Commission for Social Development. The data is shared with member states, the UN Secretariat and other NGOs through published reports and sponsored side events at UN meetings. Task Force members rotate chairing and taking notes each meeting.


The advocacy subcommittee brings together members who are interested in reaching out to Member States to influence ongoing work on resolutions, especially during the Commission on Social Development. Concretely, the advocacy subcommittee convenes monthly meetings to prepare draft statements on current events or in relation to the theme of the Commission, prepare talking points and position papers to be shared with the UN system and Member States during Mission visits. In the last two years, the subcommittee also prepared draft resolutions to influence the outcome of the Commission on Social Development.


The Education subcommittee has the ambition to educate our members on themes that are new or related to current global events so that members feel empowered and knowledgeable about what these mean for the poorest and most vulnerable communities our NGO Committee represents at the United Nations. In 2018/2019, education sessions were facilitated either by external guests or by members of the Executive Committee, and covered topics such as: child poverty, right to participation, human rights approach to poverty eradication etc.


The NGO Committee for Social Development uses communication platforms through social media to amplify our message, improve real time information dissemination and expand our reach. These accounts are managed by current committee members, and views published reflect the committee’s position on topics/issues referenced. Everyone is welcome to visit our website, twitter @NGOCSocD, Instagram ngo_csocd and Facebook NGO CSocD accounts!

Let’s work together for social justice.